Monthly Payment Scheme Terms & Conditions
We may perform credit searches on you with credit reference agencies in order to verify your identity, prevent fraud and money laundering, and assist with the management of your account.
We may use credit-scoring methods to assess this application and may share the results and associated information with other companies in the Watson Fuels group.
The credit reference agencies may record details of the check whether or not this application proceeds. The information that we will consider may include credit information and publicly available information including the electoral roll, county court judgments, bankruptcy orders and repossessions, and assets registered in your name on public registers such as the Land Registry. We may also consider information relating to individuals with whom you are financially linked.
An admin fee of £25 is payable if there are insufficient funds in your bank account for the direct debit payment to clear.
If we disagree with your annual usage, we will contact you through your local depot. Your local depot will help you calculate your monthly payment plan using this information based on current market conditions.
Boiler servicing is not available at all depots.
If you no longer wish to receive information from Watson Fuels, and its related divisions, please email us at: You have the right of access to your personal records held by Watson Fuels and credit and fraud agencies. We will supply their names and addresses upon request to Watson Fuels, Callow Park, Callow Hill, Brinkworth, Chippenham, Wiltshire, SN15 5FD.
These Service Terms are subject to and in addition to Our General Terms (please see Our Website at for details). These Service Terms apply where You receive Our Monthly Payment Scheme service.
1. Definitions
When the following words with capital letters are used in these Service Terms, this is what they mean:
Monthly Payment: the payment calculated and paid as set out in these Service Terms.
Monthly Payment Scheme: the service set out in these Service Terms.
2. Monthly Payment Scheme
2.1. The Monthly Payment Scheme enables You to pay for Product by monthly instalments rather than on an Order-by-Order basis. Based on the information that You provide to Us and any other information that We may have regarding historic consumption from Your Tank, We will calculate a Monthly Payment that We estimate will cover Your consumption.
2.2. The Monthly Payment Scheme is not an investment product or investment service and it is strictly linked to Your consumption of Product only; if You do not purchase Product from Us within a 14 month period then We may cancel the Monthly Payment Scheme as set out in clause 4.1 of these Service Terms.
3. Payment
3.1. You will pay the Monthly Payment by Direct Debit. After We deliver Product We will provide an invoice showing You the price that has been charged against Your Monthly Payment Scheme account.
3.2. We will send You quarterly and annual statements, giving You details of invoices for Product delivered and Monthly Payments made. It is Your responsibility to check that the Monthly Payments are covering Your consumption.
3.3. If Your annual statement shows that You owe Us a balance then You shall pay such balance by Direct Debit.
3.4. If Your annual statement shows that We owe You a credit balance then We shall either retain this credit balance in Your account for payment in respect of future Orders of Product or We shall refund some or all of the balance to You (to be made to the bank account from which Your direct debits are paid). You may request in writing that We refund a credit balance to You within a reasonable time.
3.5. From time-to-time We may review Your account to ensure that Your ongoing Monthly Payment is appropriate to Your anticipated consumption and We may amend Your Monthly Payment or request additional payments to more accurately reflect Your anticipated consumption. We will contact You if any changes are necessary.
4. Cancellation
4.1. If You do not make a Monthly Payment in full, if the Direct Debit is cancelled or if You do not make additional payments when requested by Us, We may cancel the Monthly Payment Scheme immediately and You shall pay the balance of Your account immediately.
4.2. You may cancel the Monthly Payment Scheme at any time by giving 30 days' notice in writing. If You owe Us a balance then You shall pay such balance immediately on termination. If We owe You a credit balance then We shall refund this to You within a reasonable time after termination.
5. Interest
5.1. We currently pay interest on credit balances. We reserve the right to vary the applicable interest rate on giving You not less than 30 days' notice in writing.
Watson Fuels are all trading names of WFL (UK) Limited. Registered in England and Wales, No. 594001. Registered office: 1 Blossom Yard, Fourth Floor, London, E1 6RS. Head office and correspondence: Watson Fuels, Callow Park, Callow Hill, Brinkworth, Chippenham, Wiltshire, SN15 5FD.